Inaugural LUNZ Hub Full Consortium Meeting in Leicester

Inaugural LUNZ Hub Full Consortium Meeting in Leicester

Over three days at the beginning of January 2024 the full consortium gathered together in Leicester to formally launch the LUNZ Hub. This was a chance for all the co-investigators, Topic Advisory group members, and support staff to meet one another and co-create objectives for each of the Hub’s workstreams. 

The event was launched by University of Leicester Vice-Chancellor Professor Nishan Canagarajah, and we were joined by funders and policy partners, who gave valuable insight into the policy priorities and areas of work sought from the Hub.

The Full LUNZ Hub consortium at the launch event in Leicester in January 2024

The Full LUNZ Hub consortium at the launch event in Leicester in January 2024.

Led by the Hub’s principal investigators, Professors Lee-Ann Sutherland and Heiko Baltzer, the event was formulated around a series of interactive workshops and team-building exercises that helped build a common understanding of vision and objectives of the Hub.

Presentations were given by each of the Hub’s Work Package, National and Topic advisory Group leads, with feedback sessions that gave partners a chance to review and agree plans for the 40 months. 

The Place Collective also led a session on transdisciplinary collaboration, that gave the consortium a shared understanding of how we will work together across sectors and disciplines in the Hub.

A table discussion among members of the LUNZ Hub during a workshop at the LUNZ Hub launch in Leicester in January 2024

A table discussion among members of the LUNZ Hub during a workshop at the LUNZ Hub launch in Leicester in January 2024. Photo by Rob Fraser.

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