Hub Launch & Policy-Maker Workshop at Cranfield

To coincide with the official launch of the Land Use for Net Zero, Nature and People (LUNZ) Hub, members of the Management team met with policymakers, funders and other stakeholders at Cranfield University to co-develop Hub strategy and discuss working methods over the initiative’s 40-month lifespan.
The interactive workshop helped establish how Defra, DESNZ, DAERA, and the Scottish and Welsh Governments will collaborate with the Hub, and enabled participants to share understanding about the UKRI’s overall Transforming Land Use for Net Zero, Nature and People Programme.
Particular focus was on building understanding of the Agile Policy Centre – the ‘rapid response’ process that will enable policy-makers to Hub access expertise on land use, agricultural systems, soil health and carbon dynamics.
Researchers meanwhile gained a better understanding of the policy priorities of the four UK nations, and highlighted what kind of opportunities would be available for work with scientists, industry stakeholders and other policymakers to assess the evidence on urgent and upcoming policy issues.
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