LUNZ Hub Blog Guidelines

The LUNZ Hub Blog is hosted on the Hub website and will be the most community-driven aspect of the Hub’s work. It provides a forum for Hub members, partners and other stakeholders to share their own research and perspectives and reach a variety of new audiences using accessible formats and language. For consistency and relevance, we ask that contributors apply the following guidelines:


We are interested in blog posts that further the Hub’s overall aims and objectives. Examples might include the following:

  • A new piece of research
  • A case study of best practice being applied in situ
  • Clarification of background/response to media stories
  • Historical studies/policies

In all instances, the blog post should highlight what makes the blog of value – what question is it answering and for whom.  Where possible, this should be reflected in the title.


In order to eligible for uploading onto the LUNZ Blog, posts should be:

  • Relevant – to one or more of the three themes or the programme overall
  • Credible – demonstrating some degree of scientific rigour (research), including references
  • Neutral – focused on evidence rather than a standpoint/POV
  • Transparent – what methodology underpins any research (restrictions, limitations)
  • Constructive – demonstrating how the work feeds into the larger programme – i.e. how scalable/applicable it is
  • Non-commercial – either commercially sensitive or ostensibly promoting a product/technology


Blog posts should be written for a generalist audience, bearing in mind the potentially diverse groups of visitors to the website, and should also:

  • Be no longer than 1000 words
  • Avoid jargon, and include explanations of technical terms where used
  • Contain at least one image relevant the research, ideally taken by the author/researcher but otherwise sourced from the LUNZ image library


The Blog will carry a clear disclaimer to the effect that it is not Hub generated, but the responsibility of 3rd party organisations.


If you have a blog post that you would like to see published, or have an idea for a post that you would like to discuss, please submit it (plain text and high quality images with descriptions) to [email protected].

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