Northern Ireland Peatland Strategy 2022-2040

  • Commissioner: Northern Ireland Executive
  • Conducted by: DAERA
  • Year: 2021
  • Countries: Northern Ireland
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Semi-natural peatlands in Northern Ireland, covering approximately 12% of the land and holding 53% of the soil carbon pool, are crucial for carbon storage and essential ecosystem services. However, most peatlands are damaged and require restoration. Evidence shows that restoration significantly boosts carbon sequestration and ecosystem services, with strategic objectives in place to guide peatland conservation and restoration efforts.

Semi-natural peatlands in Northern Ireland cover approximately 12% of the land area and are significant for carbon storage, accounting for 53% of the soil carbon pool.

Healthy peatlands provide essential ecosystem services, including climate regulation through carbon sequestration, water purification, flood attenuation, and biodiversity support.

Most peatlands are damaged and require restoration to enhance their carbon storage capacity and ecosystem services.

Peat soils cover an estimate 18% of NI’s land area. The percentage cover of peatland on the island of Ireland is only exceeded in global terms by three countries, Finland, Canada and Indonesia.

Evidence from existing restoration projects demonstrates significant improvements in carbon sequestration and ecosystem services following peatland restoration.

Detailed strategic objectives and actions outlined in the report provide a comprehensive framework for achieving peatland conservation and restoration goals.

Recommendations for policy implementation

  1. Implement a Northern Ireland Peatland Asset Register to quantify peatland distribution, condition, and restoration potential.
  2. Develop and implement Conservation Management Plans for Peatland SACs (Special Areas of Conservation) and ASSIs (Areas of Special Scientific Interest).
  3. Secure funding for peatland restoration projects on both publicly and privately-owned land.
  4. Encourage sustainable land management practices that protect and enhance peatland health.

Read the full report

Northern Ireland Peatland Strategy 2022-2040