
Our approach is driven by the values we share across the consortium and aim to promote through our work. This approach is embedded into our guiding principles and EDI strategy:

Guiding principles

  1. Championing transdisciplinarity: We respect each other’s expertise and welcome opinions that challenge us. We actively experiment to learn how to work better
  2. Evidence-based: We recognise what science does and does not tell us, and are robust in communicating what is known, the level of confidence, and the knowledge gaps
  3. Practical application: We support tangible, on-the ground change. We are pragmatic, in deploying systems thinking. We will co-develop new options with diverse stakeholders
  4. Walking the talk: We pursue low carbon options, actively support high standard initiatives, and appraise how our activities inspire inclusivity and environmental care
  5. Celebrating achievements: We will maintain a positive, can-do attitude, celebrating achievements of colleagues, stakeholders and communities in their transitions to Net Zero

EDI strategy:

  • We go beyond standard EDI measures to champion social justice and celebrate diversity in LUNZ, its communication, and internal Hub critiques of the evidence we present
  • Embedded EDI measures are augmented by a dedicated EDI and Social Justice TAG
  • We support the ‘Technician’s Commitment’ with a dedicated mechanism for support staff development

The full LUNZ Hub code of conduct can be found here.

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