Outcomes and Objectives

The Hub has a number of objectives which are reflected in both the policy outcomes it looks to promote through its research, and the establishment of new ways of working between government and academia.

Policy outcomes will include:

  • Environmentally and socially-just land use change which addresses wider ecosystem co-benefits (e.g., biodiversity, soil health, green growth) at national, regional and local levels
  • Understanding and recognition of the implications of land use policy for inclusive rural development, human health and wellbeing, and the distribution of economic and social resources
  • The development of successful agricultural, environmental and food policies including sources of finance, payment schemes and measures to reduce GHG emissions and increase removals, that build on national agricultural and environmental bills while strengthening food security, biodiversity and farming businesses
  • Integrating public (policy instruments) and private mechanisms (e.g., carbon, nutrient, water and natural capital markets) and recognising and reconciling challenges for increasing the health of soils, incentivising land managers, and producing multiple benefits

The new way of working will include:

  • New transdisciplinary research, tools and evidence synthesis that inform policy
  • The embedding of research into policy and practice by catalysing and accelerating collaboration between researchers, government, industry, the public and other stakeholders
  • An increase in capacity and capability that results in mobilisation, advancing knowledge, partnerships and skills to rapidly generate and disseminate research evidence that helps policy
  • An agile and flexible programme to address emerging policy needs, working at the interface between science, policy and practice so that the outputs continue to be relevant to policy and decision-makers and other end-users

Watch our interview with Hub co-leads introducing LUNZ

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