Centralised Evidence
A collection of evidence related to Soil Health and Carbon Dynamics.
This is a compendium of research commissioned by governments to inform the development of policy. As a body of work, it points to a clear recognition of the role that soil carbon and soil health play in national environmental and agricultural strategies.
Showing 51 evidence reviews
Assessing the socio-economic impacts of soil degradation on Scotland’s water environment
Qualitative Impact Assessment of Land Management Interventions on Ecosystem Services (“QEIA”) Report-3 Theme-3: Soils
Soil Health
Multifunctional Landscapes: Informing a Long-term Vision for Managing the UK’s Land
Trees and Woods: At the heart of nature recovery in Northern Ireland
Future Agricultural Policy Decisions for Northern Ireland
The opportunities and limitations of carbon capture in soil and peatlands
Quantifying the sustainable forestry carbon cycle
ERAMMP Report-69: Feasibility of Increasing Cultivated Crops on Farms in Wales as a Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation Measure and for Delivery of Public Goods
Review of Welsh soil evidence
Landscape Decisions to Meet Net Zero Carbon: Pathways that Consider Ethics, Socio-Ecological Diversity, and Landscape Functions
Farm of the future: Journey to net zero
Future Agricultural Policy Proposals SEA Environment Report August 2022
Benchmarking greenhouse gas emissions for the UK arable and horticultural sector Supporting the journey to net zero…
Soil Policy Legacy Report
Carbon Storage and Sequestration by Habitat 2021
Evidence for the third UK climate change risk assessment (CCRA3) - England
Evidence for the third UK climate change risk assessment (CCRA3) - Wales
SAVING OUR SOILS Healthy soils for our climate, nature and health
Nature Positive 2030 Evidence Report Investing for healthy nature, people and economy
Evidence for the third UK climate change risk assessment (CCRA3) - Scotland
Nature-based solutions for climate change in the UK
Evidence for the third UK climate change risk assessment (CCRA3) - Northern Ireland
Soil Formation Rates Scoping Study
Achieving net zero – a review of the evidence behind potential carbon offsetting approaches
Carbon Storage and Sequestration by Habitat 2021 (NERR094) (Second Edition)
Scoping study to identify current soil organic carbon stocks and the potential for increasing carbon sequestration in Scottish soils
Northern Ireland Peatland Strategy 2022-2040
Green Growth Strategy for Northern Ireland
Land use: Policies for a Net Zero UK
Update to the Climate Change Plan 2018 – 2032 Securing a Green Recovery on a Path to Net Zero
Soil structure and its benefits
The Second State of Natural Resources Report (SoNaRR2020) Assessment of the achievement of sustainable management of natural resources: Land use and soils
Technologies to Capture Evidence of Soil Erosion
The state of the environment: soil
Sustainable Farming Scheme Evidence Review
A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment Annex 1: Supplementary evidence report
Sustainable Agricultural Land Management Strategy report (SALMS)
UK climate change risk assessment 2017: Evidence report (Summary for Wales)
Glastir Monitoring and Evaluation Programme final report
UK climate change risk assessment 2017: Evidence report (Summary for England)
Evidence review of the potential wider impacts of climate change Mitigation options: Agriculture, forestry, land use and waste sectors
Delivering Our Future, Valuing Our Soils: A Sustainable Agricultural Land Management Strategy for Northern Ireland
An analysis of the extent and severity of soil degradation in Wales
Peatlands A summary of research outputs supported or facilitated by the Environmental Change Programme of the Scottish Government’s Portfolio of Strategic Research 2011-2016
Soil Monitoring Action Plan
The State of Scotland’s Soil. Natural Scotland
The Scottish Soil Framework
Soil Carbon and Organic Farming
Design and operation of a UK soil monitoring network Science Report – SC060073
The development and use of soil quality indicators for assessing the role of soil in environmental interactions Science Report SC030265