Our Approach

Supporting transformational land use change is complex challenge, requiring collaboration by experts from a range of industries and sectors, from different scientific, social and economic disciplines, and drawn from across the four UK nations. It also requires:

  • A clear and structured approach – a transparent framework for organising and explaining such a broad subject to stakeholders inside and outside the Hub, for mobilising the necessary expertise and generating relevant, impactful and practical outputs.
  • Robust leadership and oversight to ensure the Hub remains true to its mission, timeframe and budget and that it meets the expectations of its funders and other stakeholders.

These priorities are reflected in both the Hub’s governance structure and its working methods, which have been designed as follows:

  • Central to our approach is our three Work Packages (WPs), specifically designed to equip policy-makers and other stakeholders with the resources they need in the format and timeframe they require, balancing the need for immediate answers to urgent questions alongside far-sighted, ambitious horizon-scanning.
  • The Work Packages are resourced by an intersecting set of Topic Advisory Groups (TAGs) which provide expertise on the issues most relevant to the Hub. TAGS are made up of researchers, policy makers and stakeholders from the consortium and the wider community, ensuring transdisciplinary collaboration and a diversity of views.
  • UK-wide and National Teams maintain oversight of how LUNZ research interacts with and maintains relevance for devolved policy. This includes regular engagement and horizon scanning for nation-specific evidence needs
  • The Hub embodies a ‘Big Tent’ approach, inviting and involving stakeholder groups from inside and outside the consortium to collaborate in the development and delivery of practical, evidence-based outcomes.
  • The Hub’s activities are overseen by its Leadership and Management Teams whose responsibility it is to ensure the Hub delivers against goals.

This vision of integrated working across topics, disciplines and nations will yield a diversity of outputs and activities, meet a variety of policy needs, build capacity and transform the way research and government work together.

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