LUNZ Hub Team

Principal Investigators

The LUNZ Hub is led by principal investigators from the James Hutton Institute and the University of Leicester:

Leadership Team

The Hub Leadership Team comprises all Work Package co-leads, the Communications lead, EDI and Social Justice leads and the EC Board chair. It meets monthly and is responsible for the implementation of the work plan, coordination of Work Packages, establishing and maintaining the Risk Register, Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity tracking, Data Management Plan, Impact Maximisation Strategy and the Communications Plan:

Management Team

The Hub Management Team consists of the Leadership team, Topic Advisory Group leads (Soil Health and Carbon Dynamics, Land Use, and Agricultural Systems) and the National and UK-wide leads. It meets quarterly to review outputs, outcomes, and impacts, monitor agile responses, take budgetary decisions, hold liaison meetings with LUNZ Project teams and Programme-wide ECR Board, and coordinate with Topic Experts on evolving national and UK-wide needs:

Executive Team

Day-to-day Hub activities are supported by an internal operations team based at the James Hutton Institute:

External Advisory Board

The External Advisory Board meets annually, and advises on strategic direction, and review progress on Theory of Change and KPIs, linking to key organisations and European projects.