The Consortium


The LUNZ Hub consortium, led by the James Hutton Institute and the University of Leicester,  includes research institutes, farmers groups, advisory services, non-governmental and arts organisations, bringing experts on issues including climate change, green finance, renewable energy, planning, soil health, afforestation and water management.

The diversity of these organisations ensures a broad range of perspectives and expertise is reflected in the Hub’s methods and outputs, and that its proposals work in practice as well as theory.  The size, range and high profile of the Consortium members will ensure the Hub’s impact extends to all corners of the land use community.

Participation in the Hub is not restricted to Consortium members only, indeed the Hub employs a ‘Big Tent’ philosophy and has devised a number of opportunities for non-consortium members to contribute to its work. Only members of the Consortium are able to lead the Hub’s Topic Advisory Groups, National Teams or Work Packages, or draw down resource from the overall budget.

The Hub work in close partnership with a number of government departments across the four nations, as well as other related programs including the Landscape Decisions Programme, AgriFood for Net Zero network+, Biomass Connect, Environment and Rural Affairs Monitoring & Modelling Programme, Farming Innovations programme, Greenhouse Gas Removal Demonstrators programme, Transforming UK Food Systems Strategic Priorities Fund, UK Treescapes programme.